We’re all made out of energy. It may be energy that’s trapped in the form of solid matter, but its still energy. Hence E=MC2 Einstein’s famous equation. Thought itself is energy.
The Law of Attraction basically states that you and your situation in life are a direct result of your thoughts and actions. In other words, focus on what you don’t have and you won’t have anything. Focus on how much you hate your life and you’ll have a life you hate. Focus on the positive, the good you can find in the moment, and things will get better.
Most people find it easy to believe the laws of thermodynamics. Most people believe what’s written in the Bible. Yet a lot of people think The Law of Attraction is a lot of New Age mumbo jumbo. It’s not. It goes back way too far for classification as New Age! And it’s definitely not mumbo jumbo.
In fact, read Proverbs 3 & 4 in the Bible. Look at this passage from Proverbs 4, using The Good News Translation:
Proverbs 4:23
Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.
The Good News Translation
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Sounds to me like they were aware of how thoughts impact reality way before it was called the Law of Attraction.
Let’s get back to Thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics concerned with the progression of the universe from an ordered state to chaos. The scientists who study thermodynamics say that they need a new theory because the current one breaks down in situations such as severe disequilibrium. For those of you with four kids like we have, two of which are teenagers, you know full well what they mean by severe disequilibrium!
There are four laws of thermodynamics and I’m going to talk about the first two (keep in mind that I’m not a physicist or anything close).
The first law of thermodynamics is an expression of the more universal physical law of the conservation of energy: Energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but it can neither be created nor destroyed.
So in layman’s terms, the first law says you can’t get something for nothing.
The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the universal law of increasing entropy, stating that the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.
So in layman’s terms, the second law says you can’t get even something for something – because most all processes loose energy as heat! So to get something, you have to give something more!
Loosely interpreted, the first and second laws of thermodynamics state that to receive you have to give. I know, it is a pretty loose interpretation, but if we’re all one form of energy or another, why not?
How Attraction Works
Can you just sit in your recliner and think about things and have them appear? New Car… Poof!, New House… Poof!, No. It doesn’t work that way. According to some people who know about these things, you should not focus on what you want to attract, but rather throw the thought out there and then let it go. Do it almost in a playful fashion. That’s 100% against human nature – when we want something we dwell on it. When we have bills we can’t pay we think about them constantly. When we want to create a killer product spend all our time thinking, and thinking, and thinking. When we are lonely and want to meet someone special, all we think about is how alone we are. It’s 100% against human nature to just let go, but that’s what has to happen.
Have you ever noticed that a lot of people will tell you that they found their soul mate after they stopped looking? They gave up, stopped trying to find someone and then walked right into Mr. or Ms. Right. The same thing happens to me when I’m trying to solve a problem or come up with an idea for a blog post, etc. If I go workout, or play with my kids, take a shower, or go for a walk with my wife, then once I stop focusing so much on the issue, an answer will materialize.
What Goes Around Comes Around
My wife used to tell me to stop expecting bad behavior from our kids. She would tell me that I was just waiting on one of them to mess up or do something wrong. I was expecting them to be bad. And guess what – they would. She taught me to stop doing that and start expecting them to get along and act like they should. Sure they’re kids and it’s our job as parents to correct them. The funny thing is my wife was right. I still slide back into my old ways sometimes, but for the most part I look for a good time now and that’s exactly what we have. If we all load into the mini van to go somewhere, I’m not tensed up expecting problems, I’m happy and looking forward to everyone having a good time and getting along. What goes around comes around: throw it out there and it’s going to come back to you at some point (sometimes faster than others).
Parchment and Physics
Hopefully I’ve convinced a few people that The Law of Attraction is real. My interpretation of the laws of thermodynamics probably has any real scientists reading this laughing and shaking their head. To me it says whatever you give you’re going to get back.
“You can lead a horse to water…” is not in the Bible, but Proverbs 4:23 pretty much sounds like The Law of Attraction to me. I’ve led you there, so drink!
Until next time,